Create an HCL Component Pack installation on AWS
This instructions are like a cook book. You can follow them and you will get the desired result when you environment is the same as mine. This instructions were build using a payed account without any restrictions. When you are in a corporate environment there might some restrictions apply. Please check with your entitlement administrator.
The infrastructure requires quite a lot of resources. A Free Tier or Trial Account is not sufficient to install the whole Component Pack components. Please use a payed account.
- Create your AWS environment
- Create Kubernetes infrastructure on AWS
- Prepare cluster and install your first application
- Configure your Network
- Install Component Pack
- Integration
In case you want to migrate you ElasticSearch data from EFS to EBS, you can use the process Migrate ES Data from EFS to EBS.
To stop or start single services for a longer time you can use this commands to modify the number of replicas: Start / Stop infrastructure