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HCL Component Pack on managed Kubernetes

This documentation provides information and installation guidelines to get HCL Connections Component Pack running on a managed Kubernetes service on one of the main cloud providers.

2 Configure your Bastion Host as administration workstation

2.1 Install and configure kubectl

Microsoft already provided the tools for you. The default install location is not part of the PATH of the root user.

# Load our environment settings
. ~/

# Install kubectl command
az aks install-cli --install-location /usr/bin/kubectl

# Store access credentials in kubectl configuration
az aks get-credentials --resource-group $AZResourceGroup --name $AZClusterName

To test your connections to your cluster and check your nodes run:

# Get Client and Server version:
kubectl version

# Get node information:
kubectl get nodes

2.2 Install helm

Install helm binary

Download and extract the helm binaries:

curl -L -o helm-v2.11.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz \
tar -zxvf helm-v2.11.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/bin/helm

Create a kubernetes service account

As we have rbac enabled on our cluster, we need to create an service account so that helm can act on our cluster.

The given instructions are based on Role-based Access Control.

To create the service account, allow helm to manage the whole cluster and configure helm to use it, run this commands:

# Create rbac configuration for helm
kubectl apply -f beas-cnx-cloud/Azure/helm/rbac-config.yaml

# Initialize helm and deploy server side tiller component
helm init --service-account tiller

To check your helm installation and your successful connection to the cluster run helm version

2.3 Install Docker

Docker is only necessary to deploy the Docker images into the registry or to build your own Docker images.

The instructions about the docker installation are taken from the IBM Documentation.

For the installation run the script:

bash beas-cnx-cloud/Azure/scripts/

Check the output of the script.

To verify that docker is installed correctly run: docker version