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HCL Component Pack on managed Kubernetes

This documentation provides information and installation guidelines to get HCL Connections Component Pack running on a managed Kubernetes service on one of the main cloud providers.

Deploy filebrowser

The documentation for this tool can be found here:

In the meanwhile, the project is not developed any further and has been archived.

To install the tool run:

helm install \
  --name filebrowser \
  --set storageClassName=aws-efs \
  --namespace connections

To test the browser access, a load balancer service must be created.
Delete the service after testing. The normal HCL Component Pack will be reachable via an ingress controller that gets configured later.

kubectl -n connections expose deployment filebrowser \
  --port=8080 \
  --target-port=80 \
  --name=fb-service \

Get the external IP Address of the load balancer service. It takes some minutes until the External-IP is available:

kubectl -n connections get service fb-service

Use your browser to access the service. The default credentials are user: “admin”, password: “admin”.


To remove the service run: kubectl -n connections delete service fb-service