Integrate Redis Traffic
Follow the instructions to Manually configuring Redis traffic to Orient Me.
In case you use EKS, your kubernetes cluster does not provide a SSH endpoint that can be used to secure the redis traffic. In this case you can either power up a special service to provide this endpoint or you don’t encapsulate your Redis traffic in SSH.
# Load settings
. ~/
# Get Redis Password from secret redis-secret
redispwd=$(kubectl get secret redis-secret -n connections \
-o "jsonpath={.data.secret}" | base64 -d)
# run command
bash microservices_connections/hybridcloud/support/redis/ \
-m $master_ip\
-po 30379 \
-ic https://$ic_internal \
-pw "$redispwd" \
-ic_u "$ic_admin_user" -ic_p "$ic_admin_password"
Check the command output. When the command completed successfully, restart common and news application.
To check if redis is working as expected use Verifying Redis server traffic.
To view your Redis password run:
kubectl get secret redis-secret -n connections -o "jsonpath={.data.secret}" | base64 -d
To run redsi-cli run:
kubectl exec -it -n connections redis-server-0 -- redis-cli
Commands to verify traffic:
auth <redis-password>