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HCL Component Pack on managed Kubernetes

This documentation provides information and installation guidelines to get HCL Connections Component Pack running on a managed Kubernetes service on one of the main cloud providers.

Integrate Orient Me

Follow the instructions Configuring the Orient Me component.

1. Configuring the HTTP server for Orient Me

Update your HTTP Server configuration:

2. Enabling profiles events for Orient Me

Update your TDI and LC-config:

3. Configuring the Orient Me home page

Update your search and LC-config:

4. Populating the Orient Me home page

The full procedure and more configuration options can be found in Populating the Orient Me home page

Show your migration configuraton

To view your migration configuration run:

kubectl exec -n connections -it $(kubectl get pods -n connections | grep people-migrate | awk '{print $1}') -- cat /usr/src/app/migrationConfig

In case something is wrong, check out the HCL documentation on how to modify the configuration.

Run migration command

In case of a larger infrastructure check out the documentation Migrating the data for the Orient Me home page.

For smaller instances where you can do a full migration with just one command run:

kubectl exec -n connections -it $(kubectl get pods -n connections | grep people-migrate | awk '{print $1}') -- npm run start migrate